Workshops in, well… everything.



& calligraphy

watercolour painting


mixed media

paper crafting

digital art

and more!

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June 3–7, 2024

Last year’s artists included…

Ryder Carroll

Kelly Klapstein

Alicia Souza

Farah Brightart

Katie Johnson & Ilana Griffo

Huston (Hust) Wilson

Nick of Snooze One

Bonnie Kuhl

Gia Graham


Hey, I’m Becca — your host!

I’m an artist, teacher, dog-lover turned cat-mom, hockey player, and Dad joke lover. I also freekin’ LOVE planning and hosting parties– gimme a theme and a date, and I’m your gal.

Since starting my business in 2016, I’ve met and gotten to know some incredible artists from around the world.

And, let’s be honest… I’ve also gotten to selfishly learn as much as I could from all of them along the way.

So as soon as I had the tiniest inkling to take my love of party planning, my admiration for these incredible artists, my always-down-to-try-a-new-craft community (you!), and smush them all together into the ultimate event… I knew I had to do it.

To date, I’ve taught over 200,000 students how to do calligraphy. But my biggest accomplishment is bringing the art community together for events like Workshop Week.

I hope you love every second of it!

See you there,

What everyone is saying about Workshop Week…

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